A Writer Friend
Written by: Nadrah
“You don’t want to be friends with a writer, you will never know when you will appear in their writings”.
These words echo in my head every time I feel the need to write something. And I retract.
Sometimes when I meet a person and have a genuine conversation with a stranger or an acquaintance, a family or a friend, a colleague or a client. Their unique temperament or heart-warming story catches me; I store it in my memory.
It gives me light.
Or on a day when I recall a heavy story shared with me, with trust and confidence – I cannot help but to wonder: how have you been?
It gives me the comfort to rely on a silent prayer.
There are days, like today, when I am reluctant to write; and I finally settled to write about writing.
The first few things that come to mind are stories.
Life stories of my dear friend of 17 years, a former student who reaches out, a stranger who sends a DM, a sister who offers warmth halfway across the globe – and I have not met her yet, a colleague who has had her heart wrenched, and you.
There are days where I contemplate to write and to share, for I ask, who is out there to listen?
And then I am reminded of a beautiful ayah that I hold onto:
“There was certainly in their stories a lesson for those of understanding. Never was the Qur’an a narration invented, but a confirmation of what was before it and a detailed explanation of all things and guidance and mercy for a people who believe.” (Surah Yusuf, 12:111)
Isn’t the Qur’an full of stories and wisdom for us to take heed?
The stories in the Qur’an serve not only as great reminders and wisdom but also simple lessons for us to take heed.
Similarly, the stories that I store and keep with me, serve as a reminder for me first and foremost.
Perhaps, I need to reframe and remind myself at heart: I write as a reminder for me first, and to be shared to those who are meant to share it with me.
The whims and fancies of a person’s life story.
I really do sometimes think, how have you been?