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The material presented in website is not an attempt to practice medicine or give specific medical advice, including, without limitation, advice concerning the topic of mental health. The information contained in this site is for the sole purpose of being informative and is not to be considered complete, and does not cover all issues related to mental health. Moreover, this information should not replace consultation with your doctor or other qualified mental health providers and/or specialists. If you believe you or another individual is suffering a mental health crisis or other medical emergency, contact your doctor immediately, seek medical attention immediately in an emergency room or call 911. Using this website or its services, you may be provided with links to websites operated by third parties. Dear Chereen does not control such websites and is not responsible for the content and operation of such sites. Links to other websites are provided solely as a courtesy and references in the links are not-endorsed, approved or sponsored by Dear Chereen. Dear Chereen does not verify the accuracy of the information on those websites. You must rely on the advice of your medical providers for treatment and diagnosis and not on the information contained in these websites. Use of this site and any other website to which a link is provided remains the responsibility of the user. Dear Chereen and its affiliates, the operator(s) of the website, any consultant who contributed to the development of this material, and the editor, specifically disclaim the claim of liability, damages, personal or other kind incurred as a result directly or indirectly, by the use and application of this material.
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Diagnosing psychological or medical conditions is for trained medical professionals (Physicians and Therapists), not for a Life Coach or the coaching services provided on this website.
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