Hold Me Tight

Hold Me Tight

Written by: Seada


Many of us in relationships have, at some point in time, expressed to our partners that we want them to hold us tight, yet in the same moment, pushed them away. It is easier to remain angry with someone than it is to express our feelings, because wanting to be wanted often results in pain.

Love is crucial from the cradle to the grave; babies can wither and even die if they are deprived of a caregiver’s attention. Textbooks, movies, songs, and poetry all have expressed vulnerability in their ways. Books proclaim that vulnerability is necessary for human survival; movies typically show the protagonist impulsively displaying desperation to gain attention from a loved one.  Songs express love, hurt, betrayal, disappointment, and too often pain. And poetry has long existed before all:

Rumi: “Only from the heart can you touch the sky.”

The more that we choose to feed our fear of rejection, the more we torment the beat of our heart.

Choose love if you wish to heal your heart.

With love,


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